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Elif from http://stylehijabblog.com/ |
Okay. For a while, aku hanya mangguk-mangguk saja.
Padahal nih ya, pakaian sejenis tunik ini tidak hanya bagus di tubuh mereka
yang tinggi dan slim saja. Buktinya, aku punya seorang teman yang punya tinggi
tidak seberapa, namun tetap bagus saat berpakaian dengan tunik atau coat. Aku juga pernah lihat wanita gemuk yang bagus saat memakai pakaian sejenis tunik, malah ini sebagai siasat agar mereka terlihat sedikit lebih slim. Justru kalau gemuk pakai pakaian minim dan ngetat, kelihatannya malah ngenes. Nggak
percaya kalau wanita gemuk itu bagus pakai tunik? Take a look ya untuk beberapa foto berikut:
Foto di atas adalah wanita gemuk yang berpakaian ketat, yuk bandingkan dengan foto-foto selanjutnya.

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Modanisa.com |
Ya, bagaimana pun gaya berpakaian itu adalah
tentang selera. Masing-masing kita tentu punya karakteristik sendiri dalam hal
berpakaian. This is just my opinion karena memang aku punya minat yang besar
pada Turkish Fashion Style. How about you, what do you think?
the last few days I’ve known a fashion blogger from Turkey named Elif.
Initially I only asked her permission to put some of her photographs in one of
my blog post, and it turns out a few hours later she leaved a comment on my
blog and asked me to write email by email. Wow, I am so happy. She also said
that in Turkey, hijab fashion is still fairly new. No professional hijab
blogger there. This is become her concerns at this time. She claimed to
work hard for her blog. Dear Elif, i wish your blog will grow faster and gives
much benefits for your readers.
we are still talking about Turkish Fashion. This is about my previous blog post
featuring some tunic and abbards from Modanisa. I received many similar
comments there (on the blog post i’ve written). Yeah, actually these typical
comments also have been frequently raised by my real friends (not friends from internet world). Every time I walk around Supermarket or Mall to find some
long tunics, they always comment, "This is ‘cause you are tall, of course
tunic looks nice on you, Sof. But how about me who short in height? Fat?
Of course tunic type is not good at all."
For a while, I just nodded. Whereas nih ya, I think a kind of tunic outfits is
not only good in tall and slim body only. The proof is, I have a friend who are
not really tall (I say, she has short in height), but still good when
dresses in a tunic or coat.
also often see fat women wear tunic for their daily activities, and they look
so pretty. Otherwise, i think, when fat women wear skimpy outfits and
tight, it looks odd or strange. Don’t you believe that fat women look good in
tunic? Take a look yes for some photos above.
actually style of dressed is just about personal’s taste. Each of us has her/his
own characteristic in dressed. This is just my opinion because I have big
interest in Turkish Fashion Style. How about you, what do you think?
cantik juga kok ya, gemuk tapi bertunic. nice post, sofia :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Mbak Armita :))
DeleteAku suka yang foto atas, modelnya sederhana tapi bagus
ReplyDeleteIya Mbak Lidya, sama deh kita :))
Deletecantik2 ya...sepertinya model yg paling atas yg aku pilih dgn syarat aku harus diet lagi hahaha..biar pantes tuh baju aku pake :)
ReplyDeleteHehe... ayo Mbak Dwi. Dimulai dietnya. Tapi orang gemuk juga bagus pake tunik kok ;)
DeleteSaya suka pake tunic tak berlengan lengan pendek atau panjang , suka
ReplyDeleteIya Mbak Ru. Biasanya yang gak berlengan/lengan pendek, aku tambahin outwear atau pakai kemeja polos dalamnya :))
Deletecakep tuniknya. saya akhir2 ini ga pede kalo pake baju, serba salah. karena perutnya ndut, solusinya gmn ya mba. saat ini nyamannya kalo blus sma rok, blusnya agak longgar jd tidak menampakkan perut ndutku
ReplyDeleteSekarang blus sama rok juga banyak keluar model-model yang bagus, Mbak. Jadi tetep strendy juga. Boleh juga nih lain waktu nulis tentang blus. Thanks Mbak Kania udah mampir :)
Deletekeren keren tunicnya mba :) saya suka yang paling atas ..
ReplyDeleteHehe... aku promosinya berhasil nih :))
DeleteBagus2 bajunya. Temanmu makin banyak yang dari luar negeri, menggunakan 2 bahasa dalam 1 postingan memang solusi terbaik. Dulu aku coba tp nggak telaten. Mau full English tp visitorsku kebanyakan ibu2 RT. Kalau kamu mungkin bisa lo, audiensemu sesuai, pernah nyoba? Supaya makin mendunia. Ada bbrp blog Ind yg ngetop meski full English kan?
ReplyDeleteHehe...iya Mbak Lusi. Saya juga berpikir seperti itu. Terimakasih untuk sarannya yang sangat bermanfaat :))) *hug